Copyright 1998©
All Rights Reserved
Woofy Wear by Wendy™
The Humble Beginnings Of
Woofy Wear by Wendy
Due to allergies Wendy is unable to have pets with hair/fur…..thus she is “owned” by three delightful little American Hairless Terriers (AHTS). 

After getting her first AHT, Wendy quickly realized that clothing would be a necessity during the frigid winters of Wisconsin and the dog-days of summer when the air-conditioner runs day and night. 

Wendy began buying dog clothing at various pet stores and online and quickly discovered the limited selection that was available. Outfits were not only expensive but fit poorly and did not provide the warmth and functionality needed or desired.

Wendy began purchasing any dog patterns that she could find.  The patterns were unnecessarily complicated and needed considerable reconstruction and altering in order to get a good/comfortable fit.   Consequently, doing so took Wendy more time and work than she was willing to spend. 

Out of sheer frustration Wendy began designing and sewing her own simplified patterns.  For fun, she shared pictures online and before long she was overwhelmed with e-mails and orders.  One thing led to the next and Wendy found her time consumed with sewing and this was "The Humble Beginnings of Woofy Wear by Wendy™" (1998).

Eventually Wendy was contacted by the Simplicity Pattern Company in New York which led to Simplicity producing her patterns.  (#3939, #2839, #3667).  
Copyright 1998©  ~ All Rights Reserved
Woofy Wear by Wendy™